Rhombus of K Db8 RL
- 1 1AC
- 1.1 Advantage
- 1.1.1 Welcome to the learning society – students across the United States are subjected to ceaseless testing, training, learning in order to activate their potential. The organizing principle of this society is to optimize the productivity of each student, to make sure that they live up to their potential, so that they can be valuable and contributing members of a risk-filled economic system.
- 1.1.2 The invisible consequence of this learning society is abandonment – the demand to activate the potential of students produces the sacrifice of impotentiality, the sacrifice of those who fail or are otherwise not capable of living up to those demands. This lack of potential is projected outwards onto the vulnerable other, enabling a sovereign decision between what life is valuable and what life is not.
- 1.1.3 In the school system, the sacrifice of those deemed not worthy takes the form of zero tolerance policy, police raids, and low intensity warfare. Schools become states of exception, in which students are exposed to the force of sovereign power in a state of educational bare life.
- 1.1.4 These states of exception hold educational life in suspension, at the whim of the sovereign's decision between valuable life and life that can be sacrificed.
- 1.1.5 This biopolitical determination of which life is valuable and which life is not turns politics murderous – the entirety of the world is reduced to bare life in an attempt to rid the public sphere of all risk. The only option becomes the extermination of all life.
- 1.2 Method
- 1.2.1 In opposition to this learning society which demands that we become good and productive students, we affirm a study of the resolution. Through our study, we render the sovereign logics embedded in the resolution inoperative by refusing to obey the logic of learning. Instead of activating our potential and becoming productive, well-educated students, we prefer the role of the studier, withdrawing from the normative pressures of the education system. This operates to interrupt the ultimate demand of the learning society – either be productive or be abandoned.
- 1.2.2 Studying allows us to defer and delay the pressure placed on us to realize our potentials, to become all that we are supposed to be. By changing the everyday practices and roles that define learning, we can change the sovereign logics that reside at its core.
- 1.2.3 Study is an inactivity of resistance – deferring the call to action and embracing our impotential allows us to reject the internalization of state expectations and reverse the violence of the learning society.
- 1.2.4 Structures of biopolitical control are empty of positive content, capable of only inflicting death or doing nothing —- our strategy is to desert biopolitical apparatuses such as the education system, rather than reform it.
- 1.1 Advantage
- 2 1NC – SP1
- 2.1 K
- 2.1.1 The aff aims to satisfy capitalism's urge for limitless growth - causes exploitation, destruction of democracies, and destroys value to life while trying to stave off the inevitable collapse
- 2.1.2 Security is a mask for bourgeois expansion
- 2.1.3 Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide
- 2.1.4 Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism
- 2.1.5 Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.
- 2.1.6 You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology
- 2.2 Case
- 2.2.1 Adv 1
- The economy is built upon the notion that growth must be sustained. This makes climate change and global societal collapse inevitable.
- Collapse now avoids extinction – causes smooth transition to sustainable localized economies
- No unemployment crisis – production gains offset employment costs
- And, productivity gains from automation offset employment effects—no economic collapse
- Plan can't solve alternate causes of unemployment—specialization, labor market inflexibility, financial crises
- Economic collapse doesn't cause war
- Aff can't solve for adaptive workforce education—accelerating changes will require constant re-education and certification, also makes them non topical
- 2.2.2 Adv 2
- Aff can't solve advanced manufacturing—public perception of manufacturing decline dissuades prospective workers
- Automation doesn't kill manufacturing employment—Germany, Sweden and South Korea prove
- Hegemony will cause extinction—economic crises, systemic warfare, and mass structural violence
- Hegemony fails and destabilizes regional powers – no impact to the transition – turns case – disregard their fearmongering
- Peaceful global transition to multipolarity now—EU summit proves—it'll solve conflict
- 2.2.3 Adv 3
- Squo solves demand—internal training and existing education programs
- Even if there is a shortage automation solves. Streamlining repetitive tasks and predictive analytics enable a reallocation of the existing labor pool
- No solvency—existing federal and state programs are sufficient but the aff can't mobilize the private sector
- No significant impact to cyber attacks – probability, current defense checks, and too difficult to coordinate
- 2.2.1 Adv 1
- 2.1 K
- 3 1NC – SP2
- 3.1 T
- 3.2 K
- 3.2.1 It's a prerequisite to the aff—single-issue focus within capitalism means nobody will support the aff—- only moving beyond the material basis of production offers any hope of creating a space for productive politics
- 3.2.2 Comprehensive sex ed replaces the moralism of abstinence-only sex ed with an individualized risk-based model of sexuality – this results in a neoliberal model of personal responsibility which integrates sex ed into patterns of economic consumption and production.
- 3.2.3 Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide
- 3.2.4 Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism
- 3.2.5 Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.
- 3.2.6 You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology
- 3.3 Case
- 3.3.1 Low income minorities don't receive the same sex education as their upper class peers.
- 3.3.2 Sexual socialization begins in childhood, meaning biases are pre-entrenched by parents and community standards.
- 3.3.3 Parents want CSE, but prefer that they retain their roles and that schools emphasize abstinence.
- 3.3.4 Comprehensive sex ed is an assimilatory tactic of cisheteropatriarchy – the progressive narrative of inclusion envelops deviant subjects into a neoliberal restructuring of the nuclear family, which only permits the biopolitical management of trans and gender non-conforming subjects.
- 3.3.5 "Inclusive language" doesn't discuss same-sex or single parent families.
- 3.3.6 Canada proves that sex education is designed to outline who and what LGBTQ+ and disabled people need to be. Comprehensive sex education contends itself to be diverse and inclusive, but mimics the narrowed view of neoliberal mentality and reinforces violence against disabled people in the name of "normal"
- 3.3.7 Sex ed requirements are often disregarded and instead replaced with heteronormative propaganda that criminalizes anything that threatens the nuclear family.
- 4 1NC – SP3
- 4.1 K
- 4.1.1 Their pessimistic and trans-historical understanding of biopolitics fractures and disempowers resistance to capitalism.
- 4.1.2 Their rejection of education as a space of productivity is actively hostile to an anti-capitalist orientation – ethics demand that we utilize spaces such as debate to generate an anti-capitalist pedagogy that can play a fundamental role in shaping the material relations of power. Instead of resigning ourselves to an experience of impotentiality, the negative can create counter-hegemonic enclaves to challenge neoliberal knowledge production – this provides a new vocabulary to discuss social and political problems, develop the requisite skills to deploy them and reverse the neoliberal orthodoxy.
- 4.1.3 Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide
- 4.1.4 Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism
- 4.1.5 Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.
- 4.1.6 You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology
- 4.2 Case
- 4.2.1 The aff is not a complete politics – their method of study cannot defend or sustain itself which guarantees backlash and re-appropriation.
- 4.2.2 Agamben's ontological rendering of political events is reductive – their analytical tunnel vision prevents nuanced understandings of power which can actualize resistance.
- 4.2.3 No biopolitics impact —- democracy checks
- 4.2.4 The aff creates a distinction between biological and political life that destroys value to life and ignore agency.
- 4.2.5 Their refusal to defend resolutional action re-inscribes everything that they criticize about the school system – the aff becomes the source of absolute authority instead of being critically reflexive – dialogue solves.
- 4.2.6 Agamben's theory is wrong – he assumes politics are straightforward and oversimplifies biopolitics.
- 4.2.7 Their theory is hostile to agency and ignores distinctions within sovereignty.
- 4.2.8 This makes their advocacy depoliticizing and ignorant of social reforms
- 4.1 K
Welcome to the learning society – students across the United States are subjected to ceaseless testing, training, learning in order to activate their potential. The organizing principle of this society is to optimize the productivity of each student, to make sure that they live up to their potential, so that they can be valuable and contributing members of a risk-filled economic system.[edit]
- Lewis 11** – (Tyson E. Lewis, PhD. in educational philosophy from UCLA, Associate Professor of Educational Foundations at Montclair State University, "Rethinking the Learning Society: Giorgio Agamben on Studying, Stupidity, and Impotence," Studies in Philosophy and Education November 2011, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp 585–599)//a-berg
Recently there have been several important critiques of learning discourse as well as the AND conclusions concerning learning and its alternatives which these authors have not adequately addressed.
The invisible consequence of this learning society is abandonment – the demand to activate the potential of students produces the sacrifice of impotentiality, the sacrifice of those who fail or are otherwise not capable of living up to those demands. This lack of potential is projected outwards onto the vulnerable other, enabling a sovereign decision between what life is valuable and what life is not.[edit]
Tyson Edward **Lewis 13** – (It's a Profane Life: Giorgio Agamben on the freedom of im-potentiality in education, 26 Mar 2013, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Volume 46, 2014, Issue 4 pg. 334-347)//a-berg For Agamben, the human community constitutes itself through the production of certain metaphysical distinctions AND and fallible freedom of study which is beyond measure and beyond predefined ends.
In the school system, the sacrifice of those deemed not worthy takes the form of zero tolerance policy, police raids, and low intensity warfare. Schools become states of exception, in which students are exposed to the force of sovereign power in a state of educational bare life.[edit]
- Lewis 2006** – (Tyson E., "The school as an exceptional space: Rethinking education from the perspective of the biopedagogical" Educational Theory; Urbana 56(2), 159–176.)//a-berg
Education in the inner city is intimately linked with biopower in that its primary function AND an increasingly contested terrain where the stakes against educational death are clearly articulated.
These states of exception hold educational life in suspension, at the whim of the sovereign's decision between valuable life and life that can be sacrificed.[edit]
- Lewis 2006** – (Tyson E., "The school as an exceptional space: Rethinking education from the perspective of the biopedagogical" Educational Theory; Urbana 56(2), 159–176.)//a-berg
Drawing on Greek philosophy, Agamben articulates the question of politics in Western culture as AND result the biopedagogical reveals its internal complicity with an underlying state of exception.
This biopolitical determination of which life is valuable and which life is not turns politics murderous – the entirety of the world is reduced to bare life in an attempt to rid the public sphere of all risk. The only option becomes the extermination of all life.[edit]
- Duarte, 5** – professor of Philosophy at Universidade Federal do Paraná (André, "Biopolitics and the dissemination of violence: the Arendtian critique of the present," April 2005, http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=andre_duarte)
These historic transformations have not only brought more violence to the core of the political AND actions of acknowledging and welcoming, of extending hospitality and solidarity towards others.
In opposition to this learning society which demands that we become good and productive students, we affirm a study of the resolution. Through our study, we render the sovereign logics embedded in the resolution inoperative by refusing to obey the logic of learning. Instead of activating our potential and becoming productive, well-educated students, we prefer the role of the studier, withdrawing from the normative pressures of the education system. This operates to interrupt the ultimate demand of the learning society – either be productive or be abandoned.[edit]
- Lewis 15** (Tyson E., associate professor of art education at the University of North Texas, THE POTENTIALITY OF STUDY: GIORGIO AGAMBEN ON THE POLITICS OF EDUCATIONAL EXCEPTIONALITY, Symploke; Lincoln 22.1/2 (2015): 275-292,441)//a-berg
While Agamben draws our attention to the centrality of im-potentiality within politics, AND In this sense, Agamben's coming community is actually a community of study.
Studying allows us to defer and delay the pressure placed on us to realize our potentials, to become all that we are supposed to be. By changing the everyday practices and roles that define learning, we can change the sovereign logics that reside at its core.[edit]
- Lewis 14** – Tyson E., "The Fundamental Ontology of Study, Educational Theory Volume 64 Iss. 2, 9 April 2014, pg 163-178
It will be helpful to begin with a brief overview of how Agamben defines studying AND that embodies this potentiality as a kind of study journal or study log.
Study is an inactivity of resistance – deferring the call to action and embracing our impotential allows us to reject the internalization of state expectations and reverse the violence of the learning society.[edit]
Snoek 12 (Anke, PhD in Philosophy Department @ Macquarie U., Agamben's Joyful Kafka, pg 82-85)
- Language Modified
Given the preceding sketch Agamben gives of power and possibilities (the law's being in AND are other strategies, aside from active resistance, to reverse political situations.
Structures of biopolitical control are empty of positive content, capable of only inflicting death or doing nothing —- our strategy is to desert biopolitical apparatuses such as the education system, rather than reform it.[edit]
Prozorov 10 (Sergei – Professor of Political and Economic Studies at the University of Helsinki, "Why Giorgio Agamben is an optimist," in Philosophy Social Criticism, Volume 36, Number 9, p. 1059-1060, November 2010, http://psc.sagepub.com/content/36/9/1053.abstract) In a later work, Agamben generalizes this logic and transforms it into a basic AND achieved by the practice of subtraction that we address in the following section.
1NC – SP1[edit]
The aff aims to satisfy capitalism's urge for limitless growth - causes exploitation, destruction of democracies, and destroys value to life while trying to stave off the inevitable collapse[edit]
- Clark 12** (Richard, OpEd News, 8/28/12, republished by WPF 4/3/14, " How and Why Is Global Corporate Capitalism Obsolete?", http://wpfdc.org/blog/economics/19049-how-and-why-is-global-corporate-capitalism-obsolete)
What lies at the heart of this insanity? It is this: Commanding an AND people and the natural environment remain stronger than the desire to accumulate wealth.
Security is a mask for bourgeois expansion[edit]
Neocleous, 8-Professor of Critique of Political Economy @ Brunel University ~~[Mark, "Critique of Security", Brunel University in the Department of Government, Published 2008~~]
We are often and rightly told that security is intimately associated with the AND concept of bourgeois society it is equally the supreme concept of liberal ideology.
Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide[edit]
- Santos 3** (Boaventura de Sousa, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, EUROZINE, COLLECTIVE SUICIDE OR GLOBALIZATION FROM BELOW, http://www.eurozine.com/article/2003-03-26-santos-en.html) *Note this card had been modified for suicide metaphors
According to Franz Hinkelammert, the West has repeatedly been under the illusion that it AND to pay the health costs of the world's poorest countries for four years.
Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism[edit]
Balibar 13-Professor Emeritus at Université de Paris X Nanterre, and teaches at Columbia University and Kingston University ~~[Étienne, "Politics of the Debt," Project Muse, Postmodern Culture, Volume 23, Number 3, May 2013, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/v023/23.3.balibar.html, DKP~~] In the early 20th century, Hilferding, Lenin, Luxemburg and other Marxist theorists AND of the "risk society" theorized by some sociologists since Ulrich Beck.
Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.[edit]
- Ebert '9** ~~[Teresa, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany, THE TASK OF CULTURAL CRITIQUE, pp. 92-95~~]
Unlike these rewritings, which reaffirm in a somewhat new language the system of wage AND Instead, the pedagogy of critique is a worldly teaching of the worldly.
You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology[edit]
- Zizek and Daly 2004**
(Slavoj, PhD in Philosophy @ the University of Ljubljana, Senior Research in Sociology @ the University of Ljubljana, Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis @ the European Graduate School, has been a visiting professor @ University of Chicago, Columbia University, Princeton, University of London, and NYU, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, president of the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, and Glyn, has been a Professor @ Essex University and Manchester University, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol AND abject Other to that of a 'glitch' in an otherwise sound matrix.
Adv 1[edit]
The economy is built upon the notion that growth must be sustained. This makes climate change and global societal collapse inevitable.[edit]
- Vercelli 17**
~~[2017, Alessandro Vercelli, Professor of Economics at The University of Siena, "Crisis and Sustainability: The Delusion of Free Markets", pg. 186-188~~] The empirical evidence produced by the ecological approach confirms the pessimistic view on the unsustainability AND impact on climate action shifting public concern and political will towards financial survival.
- ====Involuntary degrowth is necessary for a mindset shift to a sustainable future====**
- Davey 2014 ~~[Brian Davey, 12-18-2014, "Degrowth – A Vocabulary for a New Era: Review," Feasta, http://www.feasta.org/2014/12/18/degrowth-a-vocabulary-for-a-new-era-review/~~]**
By "involuntary degrowth" I mean a view of the future that the production AND are describing an unpleasant historical epoch in which death rates will be rising.
Collapse now avoids extinction – causes smooth transition to sustainable localized economies[edit]
- Alexander 14** (Samuel, lecturer at the Office for Environmental Programs, University of Melbourne, Australia, and author of Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation, PhD, AND Jonathon Rutherford, "The Deep Green Alternative," http://simplicityinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/The-Deep-Green-Alternative.pdf)
As industrial civilisation continues its global expansion and pursues growth without apparent limit, the AND may encapsulate one of the most realistic forms of hope we have left.
No unemployment crisis – production gains offset employment costs[edit]
- Manyika et al 17** (James Manyika Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company San Francisco. "A FUTURE THAT WORKS: AUTOMATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTIVITY," January 2017.)
A recurring question about automation is its effect on employment. Many forecasters paint a AND higher-level capabilities, especially those that require social and emotional ones.
And, productivity gains from automation offset employment effects—no economic collapse[edit]
- Manyika et al 17** (James Manyika Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company San Francisco. "A FUTURE THAT WORKS: AUTOMATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTIVITY," January 2017.)
The world is in need of a new engine of GDP growth. Shifting demographics AND requiring all workers to cohabit extensively with technology and reshaping the corporate landscape.
Plan can't solve alternate causes of unemployment—specialization, labor market inflexibility, financial crises[edit]
- Cowen 14** (TYLER COWEN is professor of economics at George Mason University. "Automation Alone Isn't Killing Jobs," New York Times, 4/6/2014. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/business/automation-alone-isnt-killing-jobs.html)
Although the labor market report on Friday showed modest job growth, employment opportunities remain AND do with modern technology, and it will be with us for some time
Economic collapse doesn't cause war[edit]
Daniel **Drezner 14**, IR prof at Tufts, The System Worked: Global Economic Governance during the Great Recession, World Politics, Volume 66. Number 1, January 2014, pp. 123-164 The final significant outcome addresses a dog that hasn't barked: the effect of the AND surge in protectionist nationalism or ethnic exclusion that might have been expected."43
Aff can't solve for adaptive workforce education—accelerating changes will require constant re-education and certification, also makes them non topical[edit]
The Economist 2016 ~~[ "Automation and Anxiety: Will Smarter Machines Cause Mass Unemployment," The Economist, Special Report on Artificial Intelligence, 6/25/16 ~| http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700758-will-smarter-machines-cause-mass-unemployment-automation-and-anxiety~~] Even outside the AI community, there is a broad consensus that technological progress, AND -operation between government, training providers and employers over certification would help.
Adv 2[edit]
Aff can't solve advanced manufacturing—public perception of manufacturing decline dissuades prospective workers[edit]
PCAST 2014 ~~[President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,an advisory group of the Nation's leading scientists and engineers, appointed by the President to augment the science and technology advice available to him from inside the White House and from cabinet departments and other Federal agencies ~| "REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ACCELERATING U.S. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING" PCAST Report October 2014 ~| https://www.manufacturingusa.com/sites/prod/files/amp20_report_final.pdf ~~] Shifting the Misconceptions the Public Holds of Manufacturing: For decades, workers flocked to AND advanced manufacturing and product realization starting at early ages and through graduate education.
Automation doesn't kill manufacturing employment—Germany, Sweden and South Korea prove[edit]
Andes & Muro 2015 ~~[Scott, Associate and Associate Fellow - Centennial Scholar Initiative, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Initiative on Innovation and Placemaking; Mark, Senior Fellow and Policy Director - Metropolitan Policy Program ~| "Don't blame the robots for lost manufacturing jobs" Brookings Institute 4/29/15 ~| https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2015/04/29/dont-blame-the-robots-for-lost-manufacturing-jobs/ ~~] However, this new evidence poses a question: Has productivity growth from robots come AND time frame studied here they cannot be said to have caused job losses.
Hegemony will cause extinction—economic crises, systemic warfare, and mass structural violence[edit]
- Chossudovsky 16** (Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. "Neoliberalism and The Globalization of War. America's Hegemonic Project," 6/19/2016. http://www.globalresearch.ca/neoliberalism-and-the-globalization-of-war-americas-hegemonic-project/5531125)
The world is at a dangerous crossroads. The United States and its allies have AND , the legitimacy of money laundering and the protection of the drug trade.
Hegemony fails and destabilizes regional powers – no impact to the transition – turns case – disregard their fearmongering[edit]
- Posen** **14 – **Ford International Professor of Political Science at MIT and the director of MIT's Security Studies Program (Barry, "Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy," Cornell University Press, p. 60-62, June 24, 2014)
Partisans of Liberal Hegemony might accept some of the factual statements above but would argue AND about making the theory the basis for U.S. grand strategy.
Peaceful global transition to multipolarity now—EU summit proves—it'll solve conflict[edit]
- Hayoun 6/1**/17 (Massoud Hayoun is a contributing writer to Pacific Standard. "GERMANY IS USHERING IN A POST-AMERICA WORLD," MASSOUD HAYOUN. JUN 1, 2017. https://psmag.com/news/germany-is-ushering-in-a-post-america-world)
To call President Donald Trump's meeting last week with European Union officials a failure would AND whether that multi-polar world can exist peacefully remains to be seen.
Adv 3[edit]
Squo solves demand—internal training and existing education programs[edit]
Libicki et al 2014 ~~[Martin C., American scholar and Professor at the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica, California ; David Senty, RAND senior fellow who previously served as chief of staff at the U.S. Cyber Command; Julia Pollack, reference and instruction librarian at CUNY-Bronx Community College ~| "H4CKER5 WANTED: An Examination of the Cybersecurity Labor Market" Report for the Rand Corporation, 2014 ~| http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR400/RR430/RAND_RR430.pdf ~~] Our assessment does not refute this position—good cybersecurity professionals are in high demand AND indications of a decrease in the demand for cybersecurity professionals started to appear.
Even if there is a shortage automation solves. Streamlining repetitive tasks and predictive analytics enable a reallocation of the existing labor pool[edit]
Golden & Johnson 6/8 ~~[Deborah, principal in Deloitte & Touche LLP's Advisory practice. She has over 20 years of information technology, security, and privacy experience;Ted, Defense and National Security Research Manager with Deloitte's Center for Government Insights ~| "Augmented Security: How Cognitive Technologies can Address the Cyber Workforce Shortage" Deloitte University Press 6/8/17 ~| https://dupress.deloitte.com/dup-us-en/industry/public-sector/addressing-cybersecurity-talent-shortage.html ~~] So what exactly are cognitive technologies and how might they address the talent shortage? AND , which permits a forward-looking, predictive approach to security challenges.
No solvency—existing federal and state programs are sufficient but the aff can't mobilize the private sector[edit]
Garcia 3/23 ~~[Antonio, Principal Systems Engineer, GRA Quantum ~| "Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage" RSA Conference, 3/23/17 ~| https://www.rsaconference.com/blogs/addressing-the-cybersecurity-talent-shortage ~~] Numerous examples demonstrate the success of vocational training programs and apprenticeships in meeting current and AND active and generous collaboration are attractive. Graduates are prepared for sustainable careers and
No significant impact to cyber attacks – probability, current defense checks, and too difficult to coordinate[edit]
- Gartzke and Lindsay '15** ~~[Erik Gartzke is professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. Jon R. Lindsay is assistant professor of digital media and global affairs at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Weaving Tangled Webs: Offense, Defense, and Deception in Cyberspace, Security Studies, 24:316–348, 2015.~~]
Indeed, the US Department of Defense gets attacked ten million times a day; AND for a more general tendency toward offense dominance across the entire cyber domain.
1NC – SP2[edit]
"In" means "throughout"[edit]
- Words and Phrases 8** (Permanent Edition, vol. 20a, p. 207)
Colo. 1887. In the Act of 1861 providing that justices of the peace AND , 14, p. 114, 117, 10 Colo. 126.
"United States" means all of the states[edit]
- EPA 6** – EPA, US Environmental Protection Agency Terminology Reference System, 2-1-2006, http://iaspub.epa.gov/trs/trs_proc_qry.alphabet?p_term_nm=U
United States When used in the geographic sense, means all of the States AND and the District of Columbia allow parents to remove their children from instruction.
Voting issue for limits and ground—-debating individual state changes multiples every aff and dodges core DAs to national-level change—-makes preparation impossible[edit]
It's a prerequisite to the aff—single-issue focus within capitalism means nobody will support the aff—- only moving beyond the material basis of production offers any hope of creating a space for productive politics[edit]
McLaren, Critical Studies @ Chapman U, urban schooling prof @ UCLA, '1 (Peter, "Rage and Hope: The Revolutionary Pedagogy of Peter McLaren – an Interview with Peter McLaren," Currículo sem Fronteiras, v.1, n. 2, p. xlix-lix) McLaren: Let me try. Calls for diversity by politicians and educators and social AND movement here in the United States known as the 'new abolitionists.'
Comprehensive sex ed replaces the moralism of abstinence-only sex ed with an individualized risk-based model of sexuality – this results in a neoliberal model of personal responsibility which integrates sex ed into patterns of economic consumption and production.[edit]
- Shannon 16** (Barrie Shannon, PhD Candidate at the School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. "Comprehensive for who? Neoliberal directives in Australian 'comprehensive' sexuality education and the erasure of GLBTIQ identity," Sex Education, 2016)
Sexuality education in Australia does not necessarily resemble the 'conservative' nor the 'comprehensive' AND shifted from a macro to an individual level (Harris and Farrington 2014).
Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide[edit]
- Santos 3** (Boaventura de Sousa, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, EUROZINE, COLLECTIVE SUICIDE OR GLOBALIZATION FROM BELOW, http://www.eurozine.com/article/2003-03-26-santos-en.html) *Note this card had been modified for suicide metaphors
According to Franz Hinkelammert, the West has repeatedly been under the illusion that it AND to pay the health costs of the world's poorest countries for four years.
Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism[edit]
Balibar 13-Professor Emeritus at Université de Paris X Nanterre, and teaches at Columbia University and Kingston University ~~[Étienne, "Politics of the Debt," Project Muse, Postmodern Culture, Volume 23, Number 3, May 2013, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/v023/23.3.balibar.html, DKP~~] In the early 20th century, Hilferding, Lenin, Luxemburg and other Marxist theorists AND of the "risk society" theorized by some sociologists since Ulrich Beck.
Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.[edit]
- Ebert '9** ~~[Teresa, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany, THE TASK OF CULTURAL CRITIQUE, pp. 92-95~~]
Unlike these rewritings, which reaffirm in a somewhat new language the system of wage AND Instead, the pedagogy of critique is a worldly teaching of the worldly.
You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology[edit]
- Zizek and Daly 2004**
(Slavoj, PhD in Philosophy @ the University of Ljubljana, Senior Research in Sociology @ the University of Ljubljana, Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis @ the European Graduate School, has been a visiting professor @ University of Chicago, Columbia University, Princeton, University of London, and NYU, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, president of the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, and Glyn, has been a Professor @ Essex University and Manchester University, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol AND abject Other to that of a 'glitch' in an otherwise sound matrix.
Low income minorities don't receive the same sex education as their upper class peers.[edit]
Horne 15 ~~[Horne, Emily A., "Sexual Education across the United States: Are we doing it right?" (2015). Scripps Senior Theses. Paper 676. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1675&context=scripps_theses pg. 11~~] Calculus BC Another large problem for sexual education is that racial minorities are less likely to receive AND worse in low-income, minority districts (Guzzo &Hayford 2012)
- ====Poverty negatively affects sexual health.====**
- Bell 09 ~~[Kelly J. Kelly J. Bell graduated in 2011 with a concentration in Psychology from Simmons College in Boston, MA. "Wake Up and Smell the Condoms: An Analysis of Sex Education Programs in the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, France, and Germany." Inquiries 2009m Vol. 1 No. 1. SH~~]**
Discouragingly, even if the US adopts a comprehensive sex education curriculum and funds sexual AND is extremely complicated and a topic that must be saved for another paper.
Sexual socialization begins in childhood, meaning biases are pre-entrenched by parents and community standards.[edit]
- Shtarkshall, Santelli, and Hirsch 2k7** ~~[Ronny A. Shtarkshall is head of the Social Science and Health Behavior Program, Braun School of Public Health, and of community medicine at the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem. John S. Santelli is professor of clinical population and family health and clinical pediatrics, Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health; and Jennifer S. Hirsch is associate professor of sociomedical sciences—both at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York. Guttmacher institute, Sex Education and Sexual Socialization: Roles for Educators and Parents, https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2007/sex-education-and-sexual-socialization-roles-educators-and-parents~~] Calculus BC
Socialization, in contrast, is the process through which an individual acquires an understanding AND family and community influences on sexuality is an integral component of sex education.
Parents want CSE, but prefer that they retain their roles and that schools emphasize abstinence.[edit]
- Shtarkshall, Santelli, and Hirsch 2k7** ~~[Ronny A. Shtarkshall is head of the Social Science and Health Behavior Program, Braun School of Public Health, and of community medicine at the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem. John S. Santelli is professor of clinical population and family health and clinical pediatrics, Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health; and Jennifer S. Hirsch is associate professor of sociomedical sciences—both at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York. Guttmacher institute, Sex Education and Sexual Socialization: Roles for Educators and Parents, https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2007/sex-education-and-sexual-socialization-roles-educators-and-parents~~] Calculus BC
A third set of considerations pertinent to education and socialization are parent and adolescent preferences AND emphasizing abstinence, and only 15% wanted abstinence-only sex education.
Comprehensive sex ed is an assimilatory tactic of cisheteropatriarchy – the progressive narrative of inclusion envelops deviant subjects into a neoliberal restructuring of the nuclear family, which only permits the biopolitical management of trans and gender non-conforming subjects.[edit]
- Shannon 16** (Barrie Shannon, PhD Candidate at the School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. "Comprehensive for who? Neoliberal directives in Australian 'comprehensive' sexuality education and the erasure of GLBTIQ identity," Sex Education, 2016)~~[discourse modified~~]*
Sameness, 'homonormativity' and GLBTIQ erasure Harris and Farrington (2014) and Riggs AND capability to feel 'intimately linked' with the world around them is diminished.
"Inclusive language" doesn't discuss same-sex or single parent families.[edit]
- McNeill 13** ~~[Tanya McNeill received her PhD in Sociology with a Certificate in Feminist Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2008. She has taught in Women's and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Wellesley College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her research interests include the production of knowledge about the family, the regulation of gender, race, sexuality, and class, childhood and gender, and LGBT advocacy. Her essay, 'A nation of families: The codification and (be)longings of heteropatriarchy' was published in Toward a Sociology of the Trace in 2010. She currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she is researching cultural and political representations of gender creative (or gender non-conforming) children. file:///C:/Users/Benny/Downloads/sex%20education%20and%20the%20promotion%20of%20heteronormativity.pdf "Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity" pg. 10~~] Calculus BC
The inclusion of language that recognizes the 'many forms' that families 'come in' AND single-parent families). This reproduces and reinforces both heterosexuality and heteronormativity.
Canada proves that sex education is designed to outline who and what LGBTQ+ and disabled people need to be. Comprehensive sex education contends itself to be diverse and inclusive, but mimics the narrowed view of neoliberal mentality and reinforces violence against disabled people in the name of "normal"[edit]
- McMinn 17** (TL McMinn thesis for Master of Arts Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto "Sex Education as Neoliberal Inclusion: Hetero-cis-ableism in Ontario's 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum" <http://search.proquest.com/docview/1884603730?pq-origsite=gscholar>)
The following research question informed this study: how does hetero-cis-ableism AND are viewed as unnecessary, overwrought, and just plain uncomfortable to have.
Sex ed requirements are often disregarded and instead replaced with heteronormative propaganda that criminalizes anything that threatens the nuclear family.[edit]
- McNeill 13** ~~[Tanya McNeill received her PhD in Sociology with a Certificate in Feminist Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2008. She has taught in Women's and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Wellesley College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her research interests include the production of knowledge about the family, the regulation of gender, race, sexuality, and class, childhood and gender, and LGBT advocacy. Her essay, 'A nation of families: The codification and (be)longings of heteropatriarchy' was published in Toward a Sociology of the Trace in 2010. She currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she is researching cultural and political representations of gender creative (or gender non-conforming) children. file:///C:/Users/Benny/Downloads/sex%20education%20and%20the%20promotion%20of%20heteronormativity.pdf "Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity" pg. 7-8~~] Calculus BC
Only 12 states and Washington DC require that schools include what SIECUS and the Guttmacher AND and citizenship by positing that these students 'will likely become parents.'
1NC – SP3[edit]
Their pessimistic and trans-historical understanding of biopolitics fractures and disempowers resistance to capitalism.[edit]
- Behrman 13** – (Simon Behrman, 7th October 2013, 7th October 2013, international Socialism Issue: 140, http://isj.org.uk/giorgio-agamben-in-perspective/)//a-berg
But Agamben's adoption of "biopolitics" involves a significant break with Foucault in another AND an unexplored avenue—one closed off by the problems of his historiography.
Their rejection of education as a space of productivity is actively hostile to an anti-capitalist orientation – ethics demand that we utilize spaces such as debate to generate an anti-capitalist pedagogy that can play a fundamental role in shaping the material relations of power. Instead of resigning ourselves to an experience of impotentiality, the negative can create counter-hegemonic enclaves to challenge neoliberal knowledge production – this provides a new vocabulary to discuss social and political problems, develop the requisite skills to deploy them and reverse the neoliberal orthodoxy.[edit]
- Giroux, 5** American scholar and cultural critic. One of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy, Henry, "Cultural Studies in Dark Times: Public Pedagogy and the Challenge of Neoliberalism," http://www.uta.edu/huma/agger/fastcapitalism/1_2/giroux.html,
In opposition to these positions, I want to reclaim a tradition in radical educational AND through new forms of pedagogical praxis, global protests, and collective resistance.
Capitalism results in a death drive that makes structural violence and sacrificial genocide[edit]
- Santos 3** (Boaventura de Sousa, director of the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, EUROZINE, COLLECTIVE SUICIDE OR GLOBALIZATION FROM BELOW, http://www.eurozine.com/article/2003-03-26-santos-en.html) *Note this card had been modified for suicide metaphors
According to Franz Hinkelammert, the West has repeatedly been under the illusion that it AND to pay the health costs of the world's poorest countries for four years.
Capitalism has created financial institutions whose power exceeds that of states globalization has brought a new phase of ultra-imperialism[edit]
Balibar 13-Professor Emeritus at Université de Paris X Nanterre, and teaches at Columbia University and Kingston University ~~[Étienne, "Politics of the Debt," Project Muse, Postmodern Culture, Volume 23, Number 3, May 2013, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/v023/23.3.balibar.html, DKP~~] In the early 20th century, Hilferding, Lenin, Luxemburg and other Marxist theorists AND of the "risk society" theorized by some sociologists since Ulrich Beck.
Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.[edit]
- Ebert '9** ~~[Teresa, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany, THE TASK OF CULTURAL CRITIQUE, pp. 92-95~~]
Unlike these rewritings, which reaffirm in a somewhat new language the system of wage AND Instead, the pedagogy of critique is a worldly teaching of the worldly.
You have an ethical obligation to reject capitalist methodology[edit]
- Zizek and Daly 2004**
(Slavoj, PhD in Philosophy @ the University of Ljubljana, Senior Research in Sociology @ the University of Ljubljana, Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis @ the European Graduate School, has been a visiting professor @ University of Chicago, Columbia University, Princeton, University of London, and NYU, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, president of the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, and Glyn, has been a Professor @ Essex University and Manchester University, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol AND abject Other to that of a 'glitch' in an otherwise sound matrix.
The aff is not a complete politics – their method of study cannot defend or sustain itself which guarantees backlash and re-appropriation.[edit]
- Ford 17** – (Derek R., Prof of Education at DePauw University, PhD Syracuse, "Studying like a communist: Affect, the Party, and the educational limits to capitalism," Incorporating ACCESS, Volume 49, 2017 - Issue 5, Pages 452-461)//a-berg
Studying is, like the crowd event, a beautiful moment of encounter, the AND foreclosed as the crowd is dispersed through redirection, exhaustion, or repression.
Agamben's ontological rendering of political events is reductive – their analytical tunnel vision prevents nuanced understandings of power which can actualize resistance.[edit]
Andrew Robinson, January 21, 2011 "Giorgio Agamben: destroying sovereignty," http://ceasefiremagazine.co.uk/in-theory-giorgio-agamben-destroying-sovereignty/)//a-berg My main concern with Agamben's theory arises from some degree of scepticism regarding the assumption AND the state-as-arbiter and the state-as-distributor)?
No biopolitics impact —- democracy checks[edit]
Dickinson 4 (Edward R. – Professor of History at UC Davis, "Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About "Modernity"," in Central European History, Volume 37, Issue 1, March 2004, http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=2758180&fileId=S0008938900002776) And it is, of course, embedded in a broader discursive complex (institutions AND create "multiple modernities," modern societies with quite radically differing potentials.91
The aff creates a distinction between biological and political life that destroys value to life and ignore agency.[edit]
Fassin, 10 - Social Science Prof at Princeton (Didier, "Ethics of Survival: A Democratic Approach to the Politics of Life" Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Fall, Vol 1 No 1, Project Muse) Conclusion Survival, in the sense Jacques Derrida attributed to the concept in his last AND in its multiple forms but also in its everyday expression of the human.
Their refusal to defend resolutional action re-inscribes everything that they criticize about the school system – the aff becomes the source of absolute authority instead of being critically reflexive – dialogue solves.[edit]
- Fox 02** - Catherine Fox, teaches writing at Iowa State University. Her research interests focus on feminist and critical pedagogies, critical race theory, and feminist rhetorics, 2002, The Race to Truth: Disarticulating Critical Thinking from Whiteliness, Pedagogy 2.2 (2002) 197-212
We also tend to acknowledge critical thinking only as an analytic form of thought that AND at solutions, question the consequences, and return again to making meaning.
Agamben's theory is wrong – he assumes politics are straightforward and oversimplifies biopolitics.[edit]
- Connolly '7** ~~[William, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at the Johns Hopkins University, "The Complexities of Sovereignty", in On Agamben, eds. Matthew Calarco and Steven DeCaroli, pp. 29-31~~]
Agamben contends that biopolitics has become intensified today. This intensification translates the paradox of AND issue is to delineate two ambiguities residing in sovereignty that escape Agamben's attention.
Their theory is hostile to agency and ignores distinctions within sovereignty.[edit]
Andrew Robinson, January 21, 2011 "Giorgio Agamben: destroying sovereignty," http://ceasefiremagazine.co.uk/in-theory-giorgio-agamben-destroying-sovereignty/)//a-berg Agamben's approach to politics is thoroughgoing in its cleaning-out of statist ways of AND of exclusion into autonomy, through the rejection and immanent overcoming of sovereignty.
This makes their advocacy depoliticizing and ignorant of social reforms[edit]
Huysmans 8 (Jef – Professor of Security Studies at the Open University, "The Jargon of Exception—On Schmitt, Agamben and the Absence of Political Society," in International Political Sociology, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2008, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1749-5687.2008.00042.x/abstract) Deploying the jargon of exception and especially Agamben's conception of the exception-being- AND as the central processes through which individualized bodily resistances gain their sociopolitical significance.