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1nc vs. SP1 �Offcase Capitalism causes extinction and destroys value to life Simonovic 7 [Ljubodrag, Ph.D. in Philosophy; M.A. in Law; author of seven books, 2007, A New World is Possible, “Basis of contemporary critical theory of capitalism.”] Gender edited The final stage of a mortal combat between [hu]mankind and capitalism is in progress. A specificity of capitalis ...AND... withering away" (Engels) of institutions of the capitalist society, the withering away of life is taking place.

Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics. Ebert ‘9 [Teresa, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany, THE TASK OF CULTURAL CRITIQUE, pp. 92-95] Unlike these rewritings, which reaffirm in a somewhat new language the system of wage labor with only minor inte ...AND... oing so, legitimate the way things are. Instead, the pedagogy of critique is a worldly teaching of the worldly.

Topicality �T – Postsecondary �1NC A) Interpretation: “Primary/elementary and secondary education” refers to schooling ranging from elementary to high school education U.S. Department of Education 8 (International Affairs Office, U.S. Department of Education, Feb 2008. “Organization of U.S. Education: The School Level,”) PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Primary schools are called elementary schools, intermediate (upper primary or lowe ...AND...

of widely different interests and capabilities who follow different educational tracks within the same school. 

B) “Education” is prescribed classroom instruction Webster’s Webster's 1913 Dictionary - http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/education Education (noun): The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill ...AND... tomary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.

C) Violation: the plan funds teaching certification programs, which are postsecondary education -- Putnam 81 (John F. Putnam, National Center for Education Statistics. “Postsecondary Student Terminology: A Handbook of Terms and Definitions for Describing Students in Postsecondary Education,” March 1981.) A postsecondary education institution is defined as an academic, vocational, technical, home study, business, pr ...AND... nd published in "Definition of Postsecondary Educational Institution," FICE Report,, vol. 1, no. 3 (June 1974).

D) Prefer our interpretation: 1) Limits – allowing affirmatives to fund or regulate postsecondary education drastically and unfairly expands the negative’s research burden – 2) Ground – postsecondary education skirts the core controversy of federal vs. state regulation of schools – eliminates core generics specific to public education �

Progressive Federalism �Shells �1NC Shell Trump dedicated to reducing federal influence in education now The Washington Times 2017 (S.A. Miller, Reporter for The Washington Times, “Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education”, April 26th 2017, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/26/donald-trump-pull-feds-out-k-12-education/, accessed 6/3/17, JK) President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 educatio ...AND... e time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

Increased, sudden federal involvement in state education increases federal-state conflict. McGuinn 2015 (Patrick, associate professor of political science and education at Drew University, “Schooling the State: ESEA and the Evolution of the U.S. Department of Education”, The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 1(3), 77–94 (2015), Published December 17th 2015, http://www.rsfjournal.org/doi/full/10.7758/RSF.2015.1.3.04, accessed 6/3/17, jk) This article provides an overview of the evolution of national administrative capacity and the implementation of ...AND... is increased with dramatic suddenness, these tensions are particularly illuminated and exacerbated” (1968, vii).

Federalism maintains sanctuary cities, scaling back mass deportation Somin 11/26/16 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/11/26/federalism-the-constitution-and-sanctuary-cities/?utm_term=.d2d1595c1ecb Ilya Somin is Professor of Law at George Mason University. His research focuses on constitutional law, property law, and popular political participation. He is the author of "The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain" and "Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter." The looming fight over sanctuary cities is an example of how federalism and constitutional limitations on federa ...AND...

downsides, sanctuary cities can refuse to cooperate with it. And they will have the Constitution on their side.

�1NC Impact: Industrial Ag Deportation increase industrial ag, GMOs, pesticides Meierotto 10/5/15 Lisa Meierotto, Ph.D., is a lecturer in the Foundational Studies Program at Boise State University. She earned her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Washington, and also holds an M.A. in international development and environment from Clark University. Meierotto’s research focuses on the human rights of migrants and environmental ramifications of undocumented immigration. https://thebluereview.org/food-and-immigration-food-systems-and-food-security/ More recently, I have been considering the ways in which mass deportation policy as advocated by Trump and many ...AND... tem, one that is built on fair wages, farm worker protection and sustainable production lies right here at home.

Industrial ag = food collapse Peters 2010 (Kathryn, University of Arkansas School of Law, Graduate Program in Agricultural and Food Law, “Creating a Sustainable Urban Agriculture Revolution” J. ENVTL. LAW AND LITIGATION, http://law.uoregon.edu/org/jell/docs/251/peters.pdf)� Industrial agriculture in the United States has only been in place ¶ since the mid-twentieth century.16 Modern a ...AND... nd farming practices in response to rapidly changing climate ¶ conditions and will help to ensure food security.

Biggest extinction risk Julian Cribb, principal of JCA, fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2010, The Coming Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid It, http://books.google.com/books?id=Tv0zXxbQ7toC&printsec=frontcover&dq=the+coming+famine&hl=en&sa=X&ei=RR_mT7OYFKeq2gXP5tHZCQ&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=the%20coming%20famine&f=false The character of human conflict has also changed: since the early 1990S, more wars have been triggered by disput ...AND... , subsidies, or single-country policy changes, because of the synergetic character of the things that power it.

�Link: Teacher Certification Normal means funding for teacher certification is through competitive grants tied to evidence-based evaluation ASCD 2016 [Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, membership-based nonprofit organization dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading| “ESSA Title II And Support for Educators Frequently Asked Questions” Publication by ASCD, March 22, 2016 | http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/policy/ESSA-Title-II-FAQ_Mar222016.pdf ] 4. What Title II programs does ESSA maintain? • Teacher Quality Partnership Grants: provide competitive funding ...AND...

a record of success and there is reliable, trustworthy, and valid evidence to suggest the program is effective.

Teacher certification and improvement funding jeapordizes state budgets—the aff increases state reliance on competitive grants Sawchuk 2010[Stephen, reporter for Education Week |“Obama's Teacher Plans Stress Competitive Grants” Education Week, Pg. 1 Vol. 29 No. 22, February 24, 2010, lexis] In addition, the budget seeks $405 million to support different "pathways" into teaching, and three programs tot ...AND... s in the NCLB law as an aide to Rep. George Miller, now the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee.

�Case Neg �Automation Nation 1. No unemployment crisis – production gains offset employment costs Manyika et al 17 (James Manyika Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company San Francisco. “A FUTURE THAT WORKS: AUTOMATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTIVITY,” January 2017.) A recurring question about automation is its effect on employment. Many forecasters paint a sometimes dire pictu ...AND... ns to perform tasks that use higher-level capabilities, especially those that require social and emotional ones.

2. Productivity gains from automation offset employment effects—no economic collapse Manyika et al 17 (James Manyika Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company San Francisco. “A FUTURE THAT WORKS: AUTOMATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTIVITY,” January 2017.) The world is in need of a new engine of GDP growth. Shifting demographics in many countries brought on by aging ...AND... e workplace, requiring all workers to cohabit extensively with technology and reshaping the corporate landscape.

3. Economic collapse doesn’t cause war Daniel Drezner 14, IR prof at Tufts, The System Worked: Global Economic Governance during the Great Recession, World Politics, Volume 66. Number 1, January 2014, pp. 123-164 The final significant outcome addresses a dog that hasn't barked: the effect of the Great Recession on cross-bor ...AND... t to date generated the surge in protectionist nationalism or ethnic exclusion that might have been expected."43

4. The aff can’t solve for adaptive workforce education—accelerating changes will require constant re-education and certification. This card is from the same article as their econ card—they destroy their own solvency The Economist 2016 [ “Automation and Anxiety: Will Smarter Machines Cause Mass Unemployment,” The Economist, Special Report on Artificial Intelligence, 6/25/16 | http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700758-will-smarter-machines-cause-mass-unemployment-automation-and-anxiety] Even outside the AI community, there is a broad consensus that technological progress, and artificial intelligen ...AND... ood value. More co-operation between government, training providers and employers over certification would help.

�Advanced Manufacturing 5. Aff can’t solve advanced manufacturing—public perception of manufacturing decline dissuades prospective workers PCAST 2014 [President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,an advisory group of the Nation’s leading scientists and engineers, appointed by the President to augment the science and technology advice available to him from inside the White House and from cabinet departments and other Federal agencies | “REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ACCELERATING U.S. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING” PCAST Report October 2014 | https://www.manufacturingusa.com/sites/prod/files/amp20_report_final.pdf ] Shifting the Misconceptions the Public Holds of Manufacturing: For decades, workers flocked to manufacturing car ...AND... udents in advanced manufacturing and product realization starting at early ages and through graduate education.

6. Automation doesn’t kill manufacturing employment—Germany, Sweden and South Korea prove Andes & Muro 2015 [Scott, Associate and Associate Fellow - Centennial Scholar Initiative, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Initiative on Innovation and Placemaking; Mark, Senior Fellow and Policy Director - Metropolitan Policy Program | “Don’t blame the robots for lost manufacturing jobs” Brookings Institute 4/29/15 | https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2015/04/29/dont-blame-the-robots-for-lost-manufacturing-jobs/ ] However, this new evidence poses a question: Has productivity growth from robots come at the cost of manufacturi ...AND... g are not simple, and at least during the time frame studied here they cannot be said to have caused job losses.

7. Heg fails and is terminally unsustainable – your authors are biased and paid off. Shlapak, Senior International Policy Analyst at RAND Corporation, 3/20/2015 David A., “Towards a More Modest American Strategy”, Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, Volume 57 Issue 2, Pgs. 59-78, The Unipolar Moment Is Over Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the world has experienced a situation unparallel ...AND... ar arsenals sufficient to make the danger disappear – is and must remain the primary mission of US armed forces.

8. Squo solves demand—internal training and existing education programs Libicki et al 2014 [Martin C., American scholar and Professor at the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica, California ; David Senty, RAND senior fellow who previously served as chief of staff at the U.S. Cyber Command; Julia Pollack, reference and instruction librarian at CUNY-Bronx Community College | “H4CKER5 WANTED: An Examination of the Cybersecurity Labor Market” Report for the Rand Corporation, 2014 | http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR400/RR430/RAND_RR430.pdf ] Our assessment does not refute this position—good cybersecurity professionals are in high demand—but it suggests ...AND...

existing programs if indications of a decrease in the demand for cybersecurity professionals started to appear.

9. Even if there is a shortage automation solves. Streamlining repetitive tasks and predictive analytics enable a reallocation of the existing labor pool Golden & Johnson 6/8 [Deborah, principal in Deloitte & Touche LLP's Advisory practice. She has over 20 years of information technology, security, and privacy experience;Ted, Defense and National Security Research Manager with Deloitte’s Center for Government Insights | “Augmented Security: How Cognitive Technologies can Address the Cyber Workforce Shortage” Deloitte University Press 6/8/17 | https://dupress.deloitte.com/dup-us-en/industry/public-sector/addressing-cybersecurity-talent-shortage.html ] So what exactly are cognitive technologies and how might they address the talent shortage? Cognitive computing r ...AND... techniques, such as data analytics, which permits a forward-looking, predictive approach to security challenges.

10. No significant impact to cyber attacks – probability, current defense checks, and too difficult to coordinate Gartzke and Lindsay ’15 [Erik Gartzke is professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. Jon R. Lindsay is assistant professor of digital media and global affairs at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Weaving Tangled Webs: Offense, Defense, and Deception in Cyberspace, Security Studies, 24:316–348, 2015.] Indeed, the US Department of Defense gets attacked ten million times a day; a US university receives a hundred t ...AND... quency of irritant activity for a more general tendency toward offense dominance across the entire cyber domain.