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Alt Causes to Inequality: Poverty negatively affects sexual health. Bell 09 [Kelly J. Kelly J. Bell graduated in 2011 with a concentration in Psychology from Simmons College in Boston, MA. “Wake Up and Smell the Condoms: An Analysis of Sex Education Programs in the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, France, and Germany.” Inquiries 2009m Vol. 1 No. 1. SH] Discouragingly, even if the US adopts a comprehensive sex education curriculum and funds sexual AND is extremely complicated and a topic that must be saved for another paper.

Low income minorities don’t receive the same sex education as their upper class peers. Horne 15 [Horne, Emily A., "Sexual Education across the United States: Are we doing it right?" (2015). Scripps Senior Theses. Paper 676. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1675&context=scripps_theses pg. 11] Calculus BC Another large problem for sexual education is that racial minorities are less likely to receive AND worse in low-income, minority districts (Guzzo &Hayford 2012)

Circumvention: Sexual socialization begins in childhood, meaning biases are pre-entrenched by parents and community standards. Shtarkshall, Santelli, and Hirsch 2k7 [Ronny A. Shtarkshall is head of the Social Science and Health Behavior Program, Braun School of Public Health, and of community medicine at the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem. John S. Santelli is professor of clinical population and family health and clinical pediatrics, Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health; and Jennifer S. Hirsch is associate professor of sociomedical sciences—both at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York. Guttmacher institute, Sex Education and Sexual Socialization: Roles for Educators and Parents, https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2007/sex-education-and-sexual-socialization-roles-educators-and-parents] Calculus BC Socialization, in contrast, is the process through which an individual acquires an understanding AND family and community influences on sexuality is an integral component of sex education.

Solvency: “LGBTQ+ Friendly” education only manages negative stigma whilst maintaining the superiority of the nuclear family. McNeill 13 [Tanya McNeill received her PhD in Sociology with a Certificate in Feminist Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2008. She has taught in Women’s and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Wellesley College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her research interests include the production of knowledge about the family, the regulation of gender, race, sexuality, and class, childhood and gender, and LGBT advocacy. Her essay, ‘A nation of families: The codification and (be)longings of heteropatriarchy’ was published in Toward a Sociology of the Trace in 2010. She currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she is researching cultural and political representations of gender creative (or gender non-conforming) children. file:///C:/Users/Benny/Downloads/sex%20education%20and%20the%20promotion%20of%20heteronormativity.pdf “Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity” pg. 9] Calculus BC The assertion of the superiority of a particular family form raises affective and pedagogical problems AND heteronormative regulation of the family, and of the state’s regulation of affect.


Interpretation—“substantial” requires creating a new program. Redwoods.edu no date [1] Calculus BC SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE A new program based upon an active proposal. This action will initiate a new control number.

Violation: the aff modifies existing sex education standards and programs

Vote neg:

Limits—justifies an infinite number of affs that make minor changes to existing education programs—allows hyperspecific and small affs with massive advantage areas—explodes neg research burden

Ground—modifications to existing programs destroy DA and mechanism counterplan ground—destroys link uniqueness contextual counterplan solvency

Topicality is a voter for fairness and education

States CP: The Fifty United States and all relevant territories should eliminate funding for Abstinence-only sex education and fully fund programs for comprehensive sexuality education in primary and secondary schools in line with the National Sexuality Education Standards.

States are key to education and preventing “one size fits all” programs. The CP also aligns responsibility and moves towards a more practical decision calculus. Kelly and Hess 9/15/2015 [Andrew P. Kelly is a resident scholar and director of the Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Entrprise Institute. Frederick M. Hess is director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book, “Letters to a Young Education Reformer.” More Than a Slogan Here are five good reasons federalism is so important in education. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/2015/09/15/5-reasons-federalism-in-education-matters] Calculus BC It's a matter of size. Education advocates suffer from severe bouts of Finland and AND is both accountable to the public and dynamic enough to meet today's challenges.

States solve better—sex ed policy is decentralized Kaiser 02 [Kaiser Family Foundation. March 2002. “Sex Education in the U.S.: Policy and Politics.” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2000/09/3224-sex-education-in-the-us-policy-and-politics.pdf. SH] Despite these federal efforts, sex education policy is mostly decentralized. And, since AND five require that it be due to a family’s religious or moral beliefs.



Trump dedicated to reducing federal influence in education now The Washington Times 2017 (S.A. Miller, Reporter for The Washington Times, “Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education”, April 26th 2017, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/26/donald-trump-pull-feds-out-k-12-education/, accessed 6/3/17, JK) President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of AND teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”


Federalism on sex ed threatens national unity; causes fissures in morality issues Barr 2010 (Sam Barr, February 4, 2010, “On Sex Ed, Who Should Decide?” < http://harvardpolitics.com/online/hprgument-blog/on-sex-ed-who-should-decide/>)//PS Ross Douthat had an admirable column earlier this week arguing that, because we don’t AND prefer proximity in law-making, or e pluribus unum in culture?

National Education Standards undermine democracy Tampio 16 [Nicholas. September 28, 2016. Associate professor of political science at Fordham University. “Democracy and National Education Standards.” The Journal of Politics, volume 79, number 1. SH] Second, the national conversation about education standards may be an excuse to not adequately AND us that democracy means entrusting local communities to set aims and run schools.

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Federalism is key to good decision making and equal representation, without It, states fight back. Hawkins 2017 (Marcus, an award-winning journalist who spent more than a decade working the trenches at several different newspapers, “A Definition of Federalism: The Case for Reinvigorating State's Rights”, https://www.thoughtco.com/a-definition-of-federalism-3303456, accessed 6/9/17, jk) An ongoing battle rages over the proper size and role of the federal government, AND Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 if passed in its present form.

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American federalism is modeled globally Stepan et al 11 (Alfred Stepan is the Wallace Sayre Professor of Government at Columbia University. His books include Democracies in Danger, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation, and The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes, all also published by Johns Hopkins, the last two with Juan J. Linz. Juan J. Linz is Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political and Social Science at Yale University. In addition to the works coauthored and coedited with Professor Stepan, Professor Linz has published works on democracy, democratization, and comparative politics, including Sultanistic Regimes, also published by Johns Hopkins. Yogendra Yadav is the codirector of Lokniti and a Senior Fellow with the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi, India. He has written articles for Hindi- and English-language newspapers and magazines, is a member of the editorial collective of the monthly Hindi-language magazine Samayik Varta, and is the general editor of Lokchintan Granthamala, a four-volume series on social science published in Hindi. Crafting State-Nations: India and Other Multinational Democracies, “Ch 8: The U.S. Federal Model and Multinational Societies,” Johns Hopkins University Press, January 2011.) The purpose of this chapter is to explore the question ' how appropriate or inappropriate AND is it neutral in its impact. or could it be particularly hartnful?

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Federalism in education policy is a crucial model for governance-building in fragile states Abdinoor 13 (Abdi D. Abdinoor, Graduate Degree Candidate at The University Of Nairobi Institute Of Diplomacy And International Studies “Federalism as an Instrument for Peace and Reconstruction: The Case of Somalia,” http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/11295/93115/Abdinoor_Federalism%20as%20an%20instrument%20for%20peace%20and%20reconstruction%3a%20the%20case%20of%20Somalia.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y) Decentralized federal constitutions are characterized by fairly autonomous provinces and a weak central authority in AND Nigeria would probably not have survived without some form of decentralized governance.34


fragile statehood makes terrorist deployment of chemical and nuclear weapons inevitable, specifically to the united states Rahn 15 (Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth. “The rise of the failed states,” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/6/richard-rahn-the-rise-of-the-failed-states/) The greatest threat to global security is the rapidly increasing number of failed states. AND privatized” and then sold to rogue states or non-state actors.