Rhombus of K Db8 XU
[hide]- 1 SP2 1AC
- 1.1 Advantage
- 1.1.1 Funding for comprehensive sex education is low now—federal direction important because it sends a MESSAGE about priorities to all levels of the government.
- 1.1.2 And historically, US sex education has reinforced hegemonic forms of heteronormativity, racism, classism, and ableism. Both status quo versions of abstinence only and comprehensive sexual education entrench these paradigms by focusing on preventing sex and sexually transmitted diseases rather than investigating the complex social and political factors that influence sexuality.
- 1.1.3 Status quo evidence-based sexual education policy re-entrenches a heteronormative view of gender and sexuality that has multiple impacts from a decrease in sexual health to exclusion, violence, domestic abuse and lack of sexual agency.
- 1.2 Plan
- 1.3 Solvency
- 1.3.1 US federal sexual health policy should be scientifically based and inclusive of all marginalized students. SexEd policy that acknowledges the role that structural and contextual factors play is essential to break down the hegemonic ideologies surround sexuality in the status quo
- 1.3.2 Critical pedagogy and anti-oppressive education in the context of inclusive sexual education leads to a democratic form of engagement focused on lived experiences that is capable of challenging current dominant ideologies surrounding sex and sexuality.
- 1.3.3 Inclusive frameworks for sexual education should incorporate concepts of desire that challenge the state and the religious right's attempts to shape educational policy. Rather than move away from the state and giving up on sexual education, we should engage in a politics of wanting that demands publicly subsidized educational, social, and interpersonal opportunities for youth. An interrogation into the way the state intersects with sexual bodies is essential to critical thinking and political action, schools and the policies that shape them are a critical starting point.
- 1.4 Framing
- 1.1 Advantage
- 2 SP1 1NC
- 2.1 1
- 2.1.1 A) Interpretation: "Primary and secondary education" refers to schooling ranging from elementary to high school education
- 2.1.2 B) "Education" is prescribed classroom instruction
- 2.1.3 C) Violation: the plan funds teaching certification programs, which are postsecondary education —
- 2.1.4 D) Prefer our interpretation:
- 2.1.5 1) Limits – allowing affirmatives to fund or regulate postsecondary education drastically and unfairly expands the negative's research burden –
- 2.1.6 2) Ground – postsecondary education skirts the core controversy of federal vs. state regulation of schools – eliminates core generics specific to public education
- 2.2 2
- 2.2.1 The aff aims to satisfy capitalism's urge for limitless growth - causes exploitation, destruction of democracies, and destroys value to life while trying to stave off the inevitable collapse
- 2.2.2 Liberal capitalism is another name for totalitarianism of the market, another mode of subjectivization
- 2.2.3 Security is a mask for bourgeois expansion
- 2.2.4 Its try or die—Capitalism's narcissistic drive makes democratization of the market impossible—humanity is at a crossroads—the timeframe is now
- 2.2.5 Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.
- 2.3 Case AN
- 2.3.1 Plan can't solve alternate causes of unemployment—specialization, labor market inflexibility, financial crises
- 2.3.2 Aff can't solve for adaptive workforce education—accelerating changes will require constant re-education and certification
- 2.3.3 No unemployment crisis – production gains offset employment costs
- 2.3.4 Economic collapse doesn't cause war
- 2.4 Case AM
- 2.4.1 Aff can't solve advanced manufacturing—public perception of manufacturing decline dissuades prospective workers
- 2.4.2 Bioprinting lowers the threshold for a bioterror attack
- 2.4.3 Heg pursuit isn't inevitable – waves of isolationism prove an accelerating abdication of the American leadership role
- 2.4.4 Peaceful global transition to multipolarity now—EU summit proves—it'll solve conflict
- 2.4.5 Hegemony is terminally unsustainable – attempts at reanimating it make their impacts inevitable
- 2.4.6 Hegemony fails and destabilizes regional powers – no impact to the transition – turns case – disregard their fearmongering
- 2.5 Case CC
- 2.1 1
- 3 SP2 1NC
- 3.1 1
- 3.1.1 Interpretation—"substantial" requires creating a new program.
- 3.1.2 Violation: the aff modifies existing sex education standards and programs
- 3.1.3 Vote neg:
- 3.1.4 Limits—justifies an infinite number of affs that make minor changes to existing education programs—allows hyperspecific and small affs with massive advantage areas—explodes neg research burden
- 3.1.5 Ground—modifications to existing programs destroy DA and mechanism counterplan ground—destroys link uniqueness contextual counterplan solvency
- 3.1.6 Topicality is a voter for fairness and education
- 3.2 2
- 3.2.1 Privatization of air traffic control will pass now, but Trump will have to spend political capital to keep Senate Republicans onboard
- 3.2.2 Only privatized ATC can set efficient prices and reduce delays – Canada proves
- 3.2.3 Investment in aviation efficiency is uniquely productive – it solves delays, boosts competitiveness, enhances tourism, and promotes economic development.
- 3.2.4 Aviation affects all parts of the economy – the industry will collapse without new capacity to solve congestion.
- 3.2.5 Economic decline triggers nuclear war
- 3.3 3
- 3.3.1 The Fifty United States and all relevant territories should eliminate funding for Abstinence-only sex education and fully fund programs for comprehensive sexuality education in primary and secondary schools in line with the National Sexuality Education Standards.
- 3.3.2 States are key to education and preventing "one size fits all" programs. The CP also aligns responsibility and moves towards a more practical decision calculus.
- 3.4 4
- 3.4.1 Trump Administration sets precedent; it's a states issue
- 3.4.2 Federalism on sex ed threatens national unity; causes fissures in morality issues
- 3.4.3 Increased, sudden federal involvement in state education increases federal-state conflict.
- 3.4.4 Decentralized education federalism in particular is a crucial model for governance-building in fragile states
- 3.4.5 Federal policies overrule state courts defense of minorities and the poor through state's rights to education, means that top-down policies end up hurting the educational opportunities of marginalized groups – Turns the aff
- 3.5 5
- 3.5.1 Sex Ed requirements are often disregarded and instead replaced with heteronormative propaganda that criminalizes anything that threatens the nuclear family.
- 3.5.2 "LGBTQ+ Friendly" education only manages negative stigma whilst maintaining the superiority of the nuclear family.
- 3.5.3 Canada proves that sex education is designed to outline who and what LGBTQ+ and disabled people need to be. Comprehensive sex education contends itself to be diverse and inclusive, but mimics the narrowed view of neoliberal mentality and reinforces violence against disabled people in the name of "normal"
- 3.1 1
Funding for comprehensive sex education is low now—federal direction important because it sends a MESSAGE about priorities to all levels of the government.
- Donovan 3/30/2017** (Megan K. Donovan, Guttmacher Institute, "The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?", March 30, 2017, < https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2017/03/looming-threat-sex-education-resurgence-federal-funding-abstinence-only-programs>)//PS
Over the past two decades, the United States has spent approximately $2 billion AND comprehensive sex education programs that teach both abstinence and contraception as important components.
- ====Federal action is key to coordination—status quo implementation results in a patchwork of inconsistent practices. ====**
- JAH 16 ~~[Journal of Adolescent Health Editorial. "The State of Sex Education in the United States." Journal of Adolescent Health 58 (2016) 595-597. SH.~~]**
At the federal level, the U.S. congress has continued to substantially AND , it is no wonder that state practices are so disparate ~~[4~~].
And historically, US sex education has reinforced hegemonic forms of heteronormativity, racism, classism, and ableism. Both status quo versions of abstinence only and comprehensive sexual education entrench these paradigms by focusing on preventing sex and sexually transmitted diseases rather than investigating the complex social and political factors that influence sexuality.
- Elia and Tokunaga, 2015 ~~[**John P. Elia, Jessica Tokunaga, (2015) "Sexuality education: implications for health, equity, and social justice in the United States", Health Education, Vol. 115 Issue: 1, pp.105-120, https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/10.1108/HE-01-2014-0001. SPS~~]
While school-based sexuality education has been taught in the USA since 1913, AND do not disaggregate this group enough to be helpful (Tepper, 2005).
Status quo evidence-based sexual education policy re-entrenches a heteronormative view of gender and sexuality that has multiple impacts from a decrease in sexual health to exclusion, violence, domestic abuse and lack of sexual agency.
- Schalet, Santelli, and Russell et al. 2014 **~~[Schalet, A.T., Santelli, J.S., Russell, S.T. et al. "Invited Commentary: Broadening the Evidence for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Education in the United States." J Youth Adolescence (2014) 43: 1595. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0178-8. SPS.~~]
We have argued that Evidence Based Interventions often do not reflect factors that the broad AND curricula—and include tools to help students address and challenge these beliefs.
- ====Sexuality is structured by a political culture of negativity that enforces punitive and restrictive frameworks—producing alternatives is necessary to politicize sexuality. ====**
- Rubin 1984 ~~[Gayle S. Associate Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. "Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality." Pleasure and Danger. Ed. Carole Vance. **http://sites.middlebury.edu/sexandsociety/files/2015/01/Rubin-Thinking-Sex.pdf**. SH~~]**
It is impossible to think with any clarity about the politics of race or gender AND act is, the more it is depicted as a uniformly bad experience.
The United States Federal Government should fully fund sexual education in the United States and mandate that all federal funding for sexual education meet the criteria established by the Real Education for Healthy Youth act
- ====Federally mandated standards for inclusive and medically accurate sexual education are key and spill over to states and local organizations====**
- Kempner 16 ~~[Martha. May 10, 2016. Martha Kempner is a writer, consultant, and sexual health expert. "Fewer Young People Are Getting Formal Sex Education, But Can a New Federal Bill Change That?" Rewire. **https://rewire.news/article/2016/05/10/fewer-young-people-getting-formal-sex-education-can-new-federal-bill-change/**. SH~~]**
As Advocates for Youth explains, if passed, REHYA would be the first federal AND could have a broader reach than just the programs it would directly fund.
US federal sexual health policy should be scientifically based and inclusive of all marginalized students. SexEd policy that acknowledges the role that structural and contextual factors play is essential to break down the hegemonic ideologies surround sexuality in the status quo
- Schalet, Santelli, and Russell et al. 2014 **~~[Schalet, A.T., Santelli, J.S., Russell, S.T. et al. "Invited Commentary: Broadening the Evidence for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Education in the United States." J Youth Adolescence (2014) 43: 1595. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0178-8. SPS.~~]
US federal sexual health policy has come a long way since the introduction of AOUM AND efforts will be best positioned to promote adolescent health and well-being.
Critical pedagogy and anti-oppressive education in the context of inclusive sexual education leads to a democratic form of engagement focused on lived experiences that is capable of challenging current dominant ideologies surrounding sex and sexuality.
- Elia and Tokunaga, 2015 ~~[**John P. Elia, Jessica Tokunaga, (2015) "Sexuality education: implications for health, equity, and social justice in the United States", Health Education, Vol. 115 Issue: 1, pp.105-120, https://doi-org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/10.1108/HE-01-2014-0001. SPS~~]
Two useful theoretical and practical (not that these two features are neatly separable) AND education possible in the interest of enhancing the quality of their sexual health.
Inclusive frameworks for sexual education should incorporate concepts of desire that challenge the state and the religious right's attempts to shape educational policy. Rather than move away from the state and giving up on sexual education, we should engage in a politics of wanting that demands publicly subsidized educational, social, and interpersonal opportunities for youth. An interrogation into the way the state intersects with sexual bodies is essential to critical thinking and political action, schools and the policies that shape them are a critical starting point.
- Fine and McClelland 2006 **~~[MICHELLE FINE and SARA McCLELLAND (2006) Sexuality Education and Desire: Still Missing after All These Years. Harvard Educational Review: September 2006, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 297-338. SPS.~~]
Thick desire places sexual activity for all people, regardless of age or gender, AND are dying for good conversation about sexuality, and are dying without it.
- ====Don't prioritize large scale spectacles of violence—everyday acts of dehumanization produce a will to violence that makes large scale conflicts possible====**
- Kappeler 1995 ~~[Susanne. Former lecturer in English at the University of East Anglia and an Associate Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Will to Violence: The Politics of Personal Behavior. Polity Press. ISBN 0 7456 130555. Pg. at bottom~~]**
A decision to violate is not necessarily synonymous with a decision to be 'bad' AND attacks, of murder and destruction possible at all. 7-9
- ====Sexuality is uniquely key to this culture of violence—sexual panics are deeply tied to the reproduction of structural violence and its ideological legitimation====**
- Herdt 09 ~~[Gilbert. June 2009. Professor of Human Sexuality Studies and Anthropology and a Founder of the Department of Sexuality Studies and National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University. "Introduction: Moral Panics, Sexual Rights, and Cultural Anger." Moral Panics, Sex Panics: Fear and the Fight over Sexual Rights. NYU Press. SH.~~]**
Human societies across time and space often have experienced times of dread, anxiety, AND to do it, and that everyone should do it that way.10
A) Interpretation: "Primary and secondary education" refers to schooling ranging from elementary to high school education
- U.S. Department of Education 8** (International Affairs Office, U.S. Department of Education, Feb 2008. "Organization of U.S. Education: The School Level,")
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Primary schools are called elementary schools, intermediate (upper primary AND different interests and capabilities who follow different educational tracks within the same school.
B) "Education" is prescribed classroom instruction
- Webster's **Webster's 1913 Dictionary - http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/education
Education (noun): The act or process of educating; the result of educating AND education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.
C) Violation: the plan funds teaching certification programs, which are postsecondary education —
- Putnam 81** (John F. Putnam, National Center for Education Statistics. "Postsecondary Student Terminology: A Handbook of Terms and Definitions for Describing Students in Postsecondary Education," March 1981.)
A postsecondary education institution is defined as an academic, vocational, technical, home AND FICE Report,, vol. 1, no. 3 (June 1974).
D) Prefer our interpretation:
1) Limits – allowing affirmatives to fund or regulate postsecondary education drastically and unfairly expands the negative's research burden –
2) Ground – postsecondary education skirts the core controversy of federal vs. state regulation of schools – eliminates core generics specific to public education
The aff aims to satisfy capitalism's urge for limitless growth - causes exploitation, destruction of democracies, and destroys value to life while trying to stave off the inevitable collapse
- Clark 12** (Richard, OpEd News, 8/28/12, republished by WPF 4/3/14, " How and Why Is Global Corporate Capitalism Obsolete?", http://wpfdc.org/blog/economics/19049-how-and-why-is-global-corporate-capitalism-obsolete)
What lies at the heart of this insanity? It is this: Commanding an AND people and the natural environment remain stronger than the desire to accumulate wealth.
Liberal capitalism is another name for totalitarianism of the market, another mode of subjectivization
Lazzarato 13- sociologist and philosopher, Researcher @ Matisse / CNRS (Paris I University), member of the International College of Philosophy in Paris ~~[Maurizio, "Governmentality in the current crisis," March, 2013, translation by Arianna Bove, lecture delivered in Berlin in 2013, http://www.generation-online.org/p/fp_lazzarato7.htm, DKP~~] Disclaimer: In the time intervened between my work on the government of inequalities, AND of the first intervention. First for the markets, second against society.
Security is a mask for bourgeois expansion
Neocleous, 8-Professor of Critique of Political Economy @ Brunel University ~~[Mark, "Critique of Security", Brunel University in the Department of Government, Published 2008~~] We are often and rightly told that security is intimately associated with the rise of AND concept of bourgeois society it is equally the supreme concept of liberal ideology.
Its try or die—Capitalism's narcissistic drive makes democratization of the market impossible—humanity is at a crossroads—the timeframe is now
Richard A. **Smith 7**, Research Associate at the Institute for Policy Research & Development, UK; PhD in History from UCLA, June 2007, "The Eco-suicidal Economics of Adam Smith," Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 22-43 So there you have it: insatiable growth and consumption is destroying the planet and AND a practical working socialist democracy, or we face ecological and social collapse.
Voting negative refuses the affirmative in favor of Historical Materialist Pedagogy. International inequality is sutured by the unequal circulation of capital. Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary moment. Only starting from the structural antagonisms produced by wage labor can lead to transformative politics.
- Ebert '9** ~~[Teresa, Associate Professor of English, State University of New York at Albany, THE TASK OF CULTURAL CRITIQUE, pp. 92-95~~]
Unlike these rewritings, which reaffirm in a somewhat new language the system of wage AND Instead, the pedagogy of critique is a worldly teaching of the worldly.
Case AN
Plan can't solve alternate causes of unemployment—specialization, labor market inflexibility, financial crises
- Cowen 14** (TYLER COWEN is professor of economics at George Mason University. "Automation Alone Isn't Killing Jobs," New York Times, 4/6/2014. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/business/automation-alone-isnt-killing-jobs.html)
Although the labor market report on Friday showed modest job growth, employment opportunities remain AND do with modern technology, and it will be with us for some time
Aff can't solve for adaptive workforce education—accelerating changes will require constant re-education and certification
The Economist 2016 ~~[ "Automation and Anxiety: Will Smarter Machines Cause Mass Unemployment," The Economist, Special Report on Artificial Intelligence, 6/25/16 ~| http://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700758-will-smarter-machines-cause-mass-unemployment-automation-and-anxiety~~] Even outside the AI community, there is a broad consensus that technological progress, AND -operation between government, training providers and employers over certification would help.
No unemployment crisis – production gains offset employment costs
- Manyika et al 17** (James Manyika Director, McKinsey Global Institute; Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company San Francisco. "A FUTURE THAT WORKS: AUTOMATION, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTIVITY," January 2017.)
A recurring question about automation is its effect on employment. Many forecasters paint a AND higher-level capabilities, especially those that require social and emotional ones.
Economic collapse doesn't cause war
Daniel **Drezner 14**, IR prof at Tufts, The System Worked: Global Economic Governance during the Great Recession, World Politics, Volume 66. Number 1, January 2014, pp. 123-164 The final significant outcome addresses a dog that hasn't barked: the effect of the AND surge in protectionist nationalism or ethnic exclusion that might have been expected."43
Case AM
Aff can't solve advanced manufacturing—public perception of manufacturing decline dissuades prospective workers
PCAST 2014 ~~[President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,an advisory group of the Nation's leading scientists and engineers, appointed by the President to augment the science and technology advice available to him from inside the White House and from cabinet departments and other Federal agencies ~| "REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ACCELERATING U.S. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING" PCAST Report October 2014 ~| https://www.manufacturingusa.com/sites/prod/files/amp20_report_final.pdf ~~] Shifting the Misconceptions the Public Holds of Manufacturing: For decades, workers flocked to AND advanced manufacturing and product realization starting at early ages and through graduate education.
Bioprinting lowers the threshold for a bioterror attack
Snow 2015 ~~[Jennifer J., , Chief of Air Force ISR Integration for Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation ~| "Entering the matrix: the challenge of regulating Radical Leveling Technologies" Masters thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School ~| http://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/47874/15Dec_Snow_Jennifer.pdf?sequence=1~~] RLT = Radical Leveling Technologies Three-dimensional bioprinting is the process by which a modified 3D printer uses cells AND . "For a few thousand dollars you can get the Ebola genome."
Heg pursuit isn't inevitable – waves of isolationism prove an accelerating abdication of the American leadership role
- Stratfor 1/31/17** (This article was originally published by Stratfor Worldview, a leading geopolitical intelligence platform and advisory firm based in Austin, Texas."The United States: Between Isolation And Empire," https://www.forbes.com/sites/stratfor/2017/01/31/the-united-states-between-isolation-and-empire/~~#ee8522811392)
If we step back from the politics of personality — something that isn't always easy AND beneficial, and whether far-off conflicts really are worth wading into.
Peaceful global transition to multipolarity now—EU summit proves—it'll solve conflict
- Hayoun 6/1**/17 (Massoud Hayoun is a contributing writer to Pacific Standard. "GERMANY IS USHERING IN A POST-AMERICA WORLD," MASSOUD HAYOUN. JUN 1, 2017. https://psmag.com/news/germany-is-ushering-in-a-post-america-world)
To call President Donald Trump's meeting last week with European Union officials a failure would AND whether that multi-polar world can exist peacefully remains to be seen.
Hegemony is terminally unsustainable – attempts at reanimating it make their impacts inevitable
- Layne 16** (Christopher Layne is University Distinguished Professor of International Affairs and Robert M. Gates Chair in National Security at Texas A&M University. "What Comes after U.S. Primacy," September 8, 2016. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/what-comes-after-us-primacy-17631?page=2 ~| prs)
On both sides of the Atlantic, Britain's vote to leave the European Union has AND it risks accelerated relative economic decline at home, and major conflict abroad.
Hegemony fails and destabilizes regional powers – no impact to the transition – turns case – disregard their fearmongering
- Posen** **14 – **Ford International Professor of Political Science at MIT and the director of MIT's Security Studies Program (Barry, "Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy," Cornell University Press, p. 60-62, June 24, 2014)
Partisans of Liberal Hegemony might accept some of the factual statements above but would argue AND about making the theory the basis for U.S. grand strategy.
Case CC
Squo solves demand—internal training and existing education programs
Libicki et al 2014 ~~[Martin C., American scholar and Professor at the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica, California ; David Senty, RAND senior fellow who previously served as chief of staff at the U.S. Cyber Command; Julia Pollack, reference and instruction librarian at CUNY-Bronx Community College ~| "H4CKER5 WANTED: An Examination of the Cybersecurity Labor Market" Report for the Rand Corporation, 2014 ~| http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR400/RR430/RAND_RR430.pdf ~~] Our assessment does not refute this position—good cybersecurity professionals are in high demand AND indications of a decrease in the demand for cybersecurity professionals started to appear.
No significant impact to cyber attacks – probability, current defense checks, and too difficult to coordinate
- Gartzke and Lindsay '15** ~~[Erik Gartzke is professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. Jon R. Lindsay is assistant professor of digital media and global affairs at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Weaving Tangled Webs: Offense, Defense, and Deception in Cyberspace, Security Studies, 24:316–348, 2015.~~]
Indeed, the US Department of Defense gets attacked ten million times a day; AND for a more general tendency toward offense dominance across the entire cyber domain.
Interpretation—"substantial" requires creating a new program.
- Redwoods.edu no date** ~~[1] Calculus BC
SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE A new program based upon an active proposal. This action will initiate a new control number.
Violation: the aff modifies existing sex education standards and programs
Vote neg:
Limits—justifies an infinite number of affs that make minor changes to existing education programs—allows hyperspecific and small affs with massive advantage areas—explodes neg research burden
Ground—modifications to existing programs destroy DA and mechanism counterplan ground—destroys link uniqueness contextual counterplan solvency
Topicality is a voter for fairness and education
Privatization of air traffic control will pass now, but Trump will have to spend political capital to keep Senate Republicans onboard
- Feldcsher, June 12, 2017 ~~[Kyle Feldscher, 6-19-2017, "Trump's air traffic control plan faces fight in Congress," Washington Examiner, **http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trumps-air-traffic-control-plan-faces-fight-in-congress/article/2625260**, SPS~~]**
An intraparty legislative fight is already shaping up this fall over President Trump's desire to AND taxpayers while meeting the country's infrastructure needs," she said in a statement.
- ====Republicans oppose ending abstinence-only funding in favor of comprehensive sex ed====**
- Gladu 2/10/16 ~~[Alex. "Obama's 2017 Budget Takes A Realistic Approach To Sex Education, But It Will Struggle To Pass Congress." Bustle. **https://www.bustle.com/articles/141134-obamas-2017-budget-takes-a-realistic-approach-to-sex-education-but-it-will-struggle-to-pass**. SH~~]**
President Obama's 2017 budget — the final budget he will prepare as president — proposes AND ultra-conservative politicians are known for strongly supporting abstinence-only programs.
Only privatized ATC can set efficient prices and reduce delays – Canada proves
Steven A. **Morrison** (Chair, Department of Economics, Northeastern University) **and** Clifford **Winston** (Senior Fellow Economic Studies @ Brookings) – May **2008**, Delayed! U.S. Aviation Infrastructure Policy at a Crossroads, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2008/05/~~/media/Research/Files/Articles/2008/5/aviation%20winston/Winston_aviation_chpt2.PDF Performance of Air Traffic Control Today, the probability of dying in a commercial aviation AND it appears inevitable that privatization will be thoroughly—and justifiably—explored.
Investment in aviation efficiency is uniquely productive – it solves delays, boosts competitiveness, enhances tourism, and promotes economic development.
- DRI WEFA, '2** (A Global Insight company, was created in May 2001 from the integration of DRI and WEFA, two of the most respected economic information companies in the world. "National Economic Impact of Civil Aviation", 07-2002, http://www.aia-aerospace.org/stats/resources/DRI-WEFA_EconomicImpactStudy.pdf)
The total national economic impact of civil aviation exceeded more than $900 billion and AND economic well being of the U.S. economy and its citizens.
Aviation affects all parts of the economy – the industry will collapse without new capacity to solve congestion.
- DRI WEFA, '2** (A Global Insight company, was created in May 2001 from the integration of DRI and WEFA, two of the most respected economic information companies in the world. "National Economic Impact of Civil Aviation", 07-2002, http://www.aia-aerospace.org/stats/resources/DRI-WEFA_EconomicImpactStudy.pdf)
Civil aviation has become an integral part of the U.S. economy. AND Conversely, additional investment in the nation's aviation infrastructure will facilitate economic growth.
Economic decline triggers nuclear war
Harris and Burrows 9 (Mathew, PhD European History at Cambridge, counselor in the National Intelligence Council (NIC) and Jennifer, member of the NIC's Long Range Analysis Unit "Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis" http://www.ciaonet.org/journals/twq/v32i2/f_0016178_13952.pdf, AM) Increased Potential for Global Conflict Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world.
The Fifty United States and all relevant territories should eliminate funding for Abstinence-only sex education and fully fund programs for comprehensive sexuality education in primary and secondary schools in line with the National Sexuality Education Standards.
States are key to education and preventing "one size fits all" programs. The CP also aligns responsibility and moves towards a more practical decision calculus.
- Kelly and Hess** 9/15/**2015** ~~[Andrew P. Kelly is a resident scholar and director of the Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Entrprise Institute. Frederick M. Hess is director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book, "Letters to a Young Education Reformer." More Than a Slogan Here are five good reasons federalism is so important in education. https://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/2015/09/15/5-reasons-federalism-in-education-matters~~] Calculus BC
It's a matter of size. Education advocates suffer from severe bouts of Finland and AND is both accountable to the public and dynamic enough to meet today's challenges.
- ====States solve better—sex ed policy is decentralized====**
- Kaiser 02 ~~[Kaiser Family Foundation. March 2002. "Sex Education in the U.S.: Policy and Politics." The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. **https://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2000/09/3224-sex-education-in-the-us-policy-and-politics.pdf**. SH~~]**
Despite these federal efforts, sex education policy is mostly decentralized. And, since AND five require that it be due to a family's religious or moral beliefs.
Trump Administration sets precedent; it's a states issue
- National Review 2/23/2017 (February 23, 2017, "Returning Power to States and School Boards, **http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445181/trump-transgender-guidelines-win-federalism**)//PS**
Yesterday the Trump administration preserved federalism, respected the principle of local control over local AND student privacy and identity, one size most assuredly does not fit all.
Federalism on sex ed threatens national unity; causes fissures in morality issues
- Barr 2010 (Sam Barr, February 4, 2010, "On Sex Ed, Who Should Decide?" <** http://harvardpolitics.com/online/hprgument-blog/on-sex-ed-who-should-decide/**>)//PS**
Ross Douthat had an admirable column earlier this week arguing that, because we don't AND prefer proximity in law-making, or e pluribus unum in culture?
Increased, sudden federal involvement in state education increases federal-state conflict.
McGuinn 2015 (Patrick, associate professor of political science and education at Drew University, "Schooling the State: ESEA and the Evolution of the U.S. Department of Education", The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 1(3), 77–94 (2015), Published December 17^^th^^ 2015, http://www.rsfjournal.org/doi/full/10.7758/RSF.2015.1.3.04, accessed 6/3/17, jk) This article provides an overview of the evolution of national administrative capacity and the implementation AND , these tensions are particularly illuminated and exacerbated" (1968, vii).
Decentralized education federalism in particular is a crucial model for governance-building in fragile states
- Abdinoor 13** (Abdi D. Abdinoor, Graduate Degree Candidate at The University Of Nairobi Institute Of Diplomacy And International Studies "Federalism as an Instrument for Peace and Reconstruction: The Case of Somalia," http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/11295/93115/Abdinoor_Federalism%20as%20an%20instrument%20for%20peace%20and%20reconstruction%3a%20the%20case%20of%20Somalia.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y)
Decentralized federal constitutions are characterized by fairly autonomous provinces and a weak central authority in AND Nigeria would probably not have survived without some form of decentralized governance.34
Federal policies overrule state courts defense of minorities and the poor through state's rights to education, means that top-down policies end up hurting the educational opportunities of marginalized groups – Turns the aff
Lawson 2013 (Aaron, J.D. 2013, University of Michigan Law School; B.A. 2010, Gettysburg College, "Educational Federalism: A New Case for Reduced Federal Involvement in K-12 Education", Summer 2013, Volume 2013 issue 2, Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal, http://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1333&context=elj, accessed 6/10/17, jk) Every state constitution, in contrast with the Federal Constitution, contains some guarantee of AND should assume a role that leaves sufficient space for state courts to operate.
Sex Ed requirements are often disregarded and instead replaced with heteronormative propaganda that criminalizes anything that threatens the nuclear family.
- McNeill 13** ~~[Tanya McNeill received her PhD in Sociology with a Certificate in Feminist Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2008. She has taught in Women's and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Wellesley College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her research interests include the production of knowledge about the family, the regulation of gender, race, sexuality, and class, childhood and gender, and LGBT advocacy. Her essay, 'A nation of families: The codification and (be)longings of heteropatriarchy' was published in Toward a Sociology of the Trace in 2010. She currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she is researching cultural and political representations of gender creative (or gender non-conforming) children. file:///C:/Users/Benny/Downloads/sex%20education%20and%20the%20promotion%20of%20heteronormativity.pdf "Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity" pg. 7-8~~] Calculus BC
Only 12 states and Washington DC require that schools include what SIECUS and the Guttmacher AND and citizenship by positing that these students 'will likely become parents.'
"LGBTQ+ Friendly" education only manages negative stigma whilst maintaining the superiority of the nuclear family.
- McNeill 13** ~~[Tanya McNeill received her PhD in Sociology with a Certificate in Feminist Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2008. She has taught in Women's and Gender Studies, LGBT Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Wellesley College, the University of California at Davis, and the University of California at Santa Cruz. Her research interests include the production of knowledge about the family, the regulation of gender, race, sexuality, and class, childhood and gender, and LGBT advocacy. Her essay, 'A nation of families: The codification and (be)longings of heteropatriarchy' was published in Toward a Sociology of the Trace in 2010. She currently lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she is researching cultural and political representations of gender creative (or gender non-conforming) children. file:///C:/Users/Benny/Downloads/sex%20education%20and%20the%20promotion%20of%20heteronormativity.pdf "Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity" pg. 9~~] Calculus BC
The assertion of the superiority of a particular family form raises affective and pedagogical problems AND heteronormative regulation of the family, and of the state's regulation of affect.
Canada proves that sex education is designed to outline who and what LGBTQ+ and disabled people need to be. Comprehensive sex education contends itself to be diverse and inclusive, but mimics the narrowed view of neoliberal mentality and reinforces violence against disabled people in the name of "normal"
- McMinn 17** (TL McMinn thesis for Master of Arts Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto "Sex Education as Neoliberal Inclusion: Hetero-cis-ableism in Ontario's 2015 Health and Physical Education Curriculum" <http://search.proquest.com/docview/1884603730?pq-origsite=gscholar>)
The following research question informed this study: how does hetero-cis-ableism AND are viewed as unnecessary, overwrought, and just plain uncomfortable to have.