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(Created page with "Donovan 3/30/2017 (Megan K. Donovan, Guttmacher Institute, “The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?”, March 30,...")
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Donovan 3/30/2017 (Megan K. Donovan, Guttmacher Institute, “The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?”, March 30, 2017, < https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2017/03/looming-threat-sex-education-resurgence-federal-funding-abstinence-only-programs>)//PS
JAH 16 [Journal of Adolescent Health Editorial. “The State of Sex Education in the United States.” Journal of Adolescent Health 58 (2016) 595-597. SH.]
At the federal level, the U.S. congress has continued to substantially fund AOUM, and in FY 2016, funding was increased to $85 million per year [3]. This budget was approved despite President Obama’s attempts to end the program after 10 years of opposition and concern from medical and public health professionals, sexuality educators, and the human rights community that AOUM withholds information about condoms and contraception, promotes religious ideologies and gender stereotypes, and stigmatizes adolescents with nonheteronormative sexual identities [7e9,11e13].
Schalet, Santelli, and Russell et al. 2014 [Schalet, A.T., Santelli, J.S., Russell, S.T. et al. “Invited Commentary: Broadening the Evidence for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Education in the United States.” J Youth Adolescence (2014) 43: 1595. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0178-8. SPS.]
Rubin 1984 [Gayle S. Associate Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality.” Pleasure and Danger. Ed. Carole Vance. http://sites.middlebury.edu/sexandsociety/files/2015/01/Rubin-Thinking-Sex.pdf. SH]
Kempner 16 [Martha. May 10, 2016. Martha Kempner is a writer, consultant, and sexual health expert. “Fewer Young People Are Getting Formal Sex Education, But Can a New Federal Bill Change That?” Rewire. https://rewire.news/article/2016/05/10/fewer-young-people-getting-formal-sex-education-can-new-federal-bill-change/. SH]
chalet, Santelli, and Russell et al. 2014 [Schalet, A.T., Santelli, J.S., Russell, S.T. et al. “Invited Commentary: Broadening the Evidence for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Education in the United States.” J Youth Adolescence (2014) 43: 1595. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0178-8. SPS.]
Kappeler 1995 [Susanne. Former lecturer in English at the University of East Anglia and an Associate Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Will to Violence: The Politics of Personal Behavior. Polity Press. ISBN 0 7456 130555. Pg. at bottom]
Herdt 09 [Gilbert. June 2009. Professor of Human Sexuality Studies and Anthropology and a Founder of the Department of Sexuality Studies and National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University. “Introduction: Moral Panics, Sexual Rights, and Cultural Anger.” Moral Panics, Sex Panics: Fear and the Fight over Sexual Rights. NYU Press. SH.]
National Review 2/23/2017 (February 23, 2017, “Returning Power to States and School Boards, http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445181/trump-transgender-guidelines-win-federalism)//PS
Feldcsher, June 12, 2017 [Kyle Feldscher, 6-19-2017, "Trump's air traffic control plan faces fight in Congress," Washington Examiner, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trumps-air-traffic-control-plan-faces-fight-in-congress/article/2625260, SPS]
Gladu 2/10/16 [Alex. “Obama's 2017 Budget Takes A Realistic Approach To Sex Education, But It Will Struggle To Pass Congress.” Bustle. https://www.bustle.com/articles/141134-obamas-2017-budget-takes-a-realistic-approach-to-sex-education-but-it-will-struggle-to-pass. SH]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 21 July 2017